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Welcome to LiveActive

LiveActive History

In March 2009, Rush University Medical Center established the LiveActive Fund for Orthopedic Research and Education. The fund was inspired by John Golden who was a patient of Dr. Brian Cole's, an orthopedic surgeon and researcher at Rush.

The fund's goals are straightforward: to generate much needed funding to advance orthopedic research at Rush, while creating awareness of alternative treatments, therapies and training that enable people to resume an active lifestyle.

Through the generosity of patients and other friends, the LiveActive Fund will advance patient care—particularly in the exciting area of joint restoration—for thousands of teens and adults whose injuries or degenerative illnesses make it impossible to enjoy simple activities such as walking, gardening, a game of golf or pick-up basketball. An active lifestyle is not only essential for health, but it also increases enjoyment in life. We are inspired by the life-changing recoveries we see in our patients, and we know you will be too.

The LiveActive Fund is administered according to principles guiding the use of all philanthropic funds at Rush. Patients, friends, and other interested parties may contribute to the fund by making a gift online or by contacting Mari Philipsborn, Director of Development, in the Office of Philanthropy at Rush, 312-942-6567 or

The physicians featured in this Web site are on the faculty of Rush University Medical Center. They are also in private practice and, as independent practitioners, are not employees or agents of Rush University Medical Center.

Copyright © 2009-2015 LiveActive
The physicians featured in this Web site are on the faculty of Rush University Medical Center.
They are also in private practice and, as independent practitioners, are not employees or agents of Rush University Medical Center.

LiveActive Fund for Orthopedic Research and Education
1700 West Van Buren, Suite 250
Chicago, Illinois 60612
Phone: 312-942-6567