Getting Started
How do I get started?
- Get medical clearance from your doctor.
- Get a reference for a physical trainer and/or dietician to help you learn what to do and set reasonable expectations.
- Set a goal.
- Establish a baseline for where you are now-physically and emotionally.
- Plan on involving your network of family, friends and colleagues—time of workouts, diet habit changes, making meals to take to work, etc.
- Plan on a dual approach of dietary modifications and exercise.
- Take regular assessments of how you're doing against your baseline.
Free Personal Health Assessment
My Rush Health Advisor can be your partner in health. Doctors at Rush University Medical Center, have developed this interactive tool using guidelines published by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an independent panel of experts in primary care and prevention. Physicians at Rush have used these recommendations—along with their own experience caring for patients—to help you determine your health risks and guide you to lifestyle changes, diagnostic tests and immunizations that may help you lead a healthier life.
To get started visit and select "Tools for Healthy Lifestyles" on the right-hand side of the page.